Bobbie Serrano



Bobbie Serrano lives and works in Hamburg as an urban artist. As varied as the materials he uses in the creation process of his works are, he remains true to his choice of subject: abstract birds. Whether on wood, canvas, sculpture or as murals, his Birds can be found worldwide in galleries and on facades around the world. Time and again, Bobbie Serrano uses his art to engage in cultural exchange or to point out social inequalities.

To the website

13 P Education

17 P Work

21 P Meaningfulness

When did you start working as an artist?

Strictly speaking, at the age of 16, when I painted my first graffiti.

Who and what inspires you?

People, nature, life

what materials do you work with and why?

I work a lot on wood because it feels like it's working with me on a painting.

are there colors and shapes you prefer?

My abstract Birds are always composed of geometric shapes. I prefer nature and pastel tones.

do you want to say something with your art?

In the first place I want to make the world more beautiful, in the second look you can find one or the other social criticism.

why did you start working as an artist?

Art was and is my outlet and my support to stay balanced. I did not start consciously and never never with the thought to earn money with it. It is a part of me.

is there something or someone that influences you?

I think every encounter with people, every change of place influences you, you just have to notice and allow it.

which techniques do you prefer?

I try a lot, but prefer to paint classically with acrylic and brush on canvas. For my murals, spray can.

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where do you work?

In my studio in Hamburg. Murals are now found worldwide from Brazil in the Amazon, to urban space in Miami to Rwanda.

what is important to you in your work and what would you like to achieve in 5 years?

That I use it from time to time to support social projects.
I do not worry about the future. I am grateful where I am now with my art and where it has brought me everywhere.

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